Friday, August 5, 2011

CSA park slope week 7

What remained of our CSA post snack :)

Tomatoes and Peaches.

 Lots of beets, onions, yellow squash, zucchini, mushrooms and Nick's magic.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

CSA week 6

I'm not quite sure how I jumped from CSA week 1 to week 6.  I think some serious slacking is going on and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.  For now we'll continue with week 6 and hopefully I'll recover some photos from weeks 2-5. :/

Our share :)

The most amazing dinner ever.

I don't know if i've mentioned it before, but Nick and I split the CSA with our former roommate Karen.  She may have moved out, but we still get a guaranteed Tuesday night dinner with her.  It's become our dinner party night, and my favorite night of the week.  This week we made a caesar salad with crispy Kale chips (the dark green on top) and for the dressing we used the spicy garlic scape from CSA.  This picture features my half eaten salad.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Coney Island

Julia and I went to check out Coney Island and Brighton Beach. I ended up incredibly sunburned.  Here are some of the pre-sunburn fun photos.

Julia in her adorable yellow polka dot bikini and stick of mango.

Friday, June 24, 2011

NYC BBQ Festival!

Every year there is apparently a HUGE 2 day Barbeque festival in the city. I pulled this video off of their website.  I think it says it all.

Big Apple Barbecue Block Party from UM Media Documentary Projects on Vimeo.


I might have gotten the BBQ from STL.

Pork Shoulder

Nick enjoying his pulled pork shoulder


I considered the Baker's Ribs from Texas but in the end I didn't want dry rub ribs and slaw.  I wanted ribs slathered in bbq sauce with baked beans. mmmm.

Mike enjoying one of his 8 meals.  Yep that's right he ate eight :)


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Polo Match on Governor's Island

This is a little over due...

At the beginning of June, Nick and I jumped ship (or ferry) and headed over to Governor's Island for the Veuve Clicquot Polo Match.  This was my first polo match and next time I'll have to brush up on the rules. I couldn't figure out who was scoring at which end and it didn't help that the score keeper wasn't properly matching up the points to the teams.  All in all, it was quite the spectacle.  Nick and I were joined by the lovely Afrodet who provided us with some delicious champagne. I really don't know why I don't have a picture of us... hmm... next time.

Here are the few photos that I did take.

Clearly before everyone arrived.

Nick made incredible snacks for us to eat.

Don't be fooled by the over cast sky.  It was sooo hot and I looked like a lobster afterwards. 

the match

Next year I'll bring a hat.

The ferry ride.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

CSA dinners (week 1)

Week one of CSA dinners went by sooo quickly. But lucky for us, today is TUESDAY and we get our second basket, yay!  Here is a dinner recap:

The most delicious lettuce that I've ever had with strawberries and turnips plus Nick's homemade bread.  

A strawberry rhubarb syrup perfect for gin drinks or italian sodas.

Strawberry rhubarb muffies (that's a muffin/cookie)

A mixed salad with carrots, cucumber, green onion, mint, basil, turnips and the greens from turnips, and garlic scape.

I'll work on posting some recipes soooooon!

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Pizza Plant

Check out the newest addition to our herb garden.  I call it the pizza plant.  It contains oregano and purple basil, complements of Park Slope CSA.